As I sit here contemplating the terrorist attack on 9/11, it is the courage I witnessed that dominates my thought. There were emergency workers running into buildings that were collapsing. People inside the towers were choosing which way they wanted to die, by fire or jumping while the building fell.

The doctor and nurse that provided my husband with his cancer treatments had burns on their faces from where they had been to the collapsing towers to assist injured people.

We all held our breath to see if there would be additional attacks. We prayed. God gave many miracles during the horror of those days. I know my husband and I would not have made it into the city for cancer treatment if God’s Hand had not been with us.

Even now after all of these years I feel the Presence of God still giving me miracles. I know I need them equally as much now as I did during the 9/11 attack. It is something you carry in your heart and spirit that never heals.